Compiere Consigned Sale Order

Compiere Consigned Sale Order requires that you, the Seller, ship the goods to the customer. The inventory is still owned […]

Compiere Consigned Sale Order requires that you, the Seller, ship the goods to the customer. The inventory is still owned by you, the Seller, but is not billed until such time the customer needs the inventory. The sales transaction is conducted via a Blanket Sales Order marked ‘Consigned’, which we will address within this document.

The Process Flow of the consigned inventory sale orders its very similar to the Consigned Inventory Vendor.

Ware House and Locators Consigned Sale order

Create a new locator and check the Consigned flag. Once you check the consigned flag, the system will automatically uncheck the “Available for allocation” flag. This prevents the system from considering this locator for order fulfillment or manufacturing needs. The flag at the locator level is to define the locator is meant for consigned inventory.

The Next step is to associate a Business Partner.

TenthPlanet_Compiere_Garden_Project_Management_Consigned_Sales_Order_Association of Business Partner for Sale
TenthPlanet_Compiere_Garden_Project_Management_Consigned_Sales_Order_Business Partner Association 2

Search for the Business Partner – Customer. Select Is Customer as Yes.

TenthPlanet_Compiere_Garden_Project_Management_Consigned_Sales_Order_Business Partner Association 3

Please Check in as Sale Transaction after selecting the Business Partner to map it to the locator.

TenthPlanet_Compiere_Garden_Project_Management_Consigned_Sales_Order_Business Partner setup Business Partner Customer

In the Business Partner window, select the Customer tab and navigate to the record. “Allow Blanket SO”, and the “Consigned Transaction Customer” checkboxes are checked. In addition, you will notice the tab named “Customer Locator” tab is displayed. Note that only locators defined to handle consigned inventory are displayed.

TenthPlanet_Compiere_Garden_Project_Management_Consigned_Sales_Order_Aloocate a BP to a specific Ware house and Locator

Allocate a BP to a specific Ware House and locator.


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