Manage all ERP Users based on Request,User should be created/updated based on support request for traceability
Manage all ERP Users based on Request,User should be created/updated based on support request for traceability
Schedule Process execution Time and Trace Execution Log. Job Scheduling and Sequence to be handled by System Admin.
Tenant is the highest level of an independent business entity. Each Tenant will have one or more Organizations reporting to it.
Unit of measure is a standardize quantity of physical property, customer manages a products with four different UOM namely ‘Each’ (tin, bottle, sachets), Carton, Dozen and Pallet.
ERP team will issue Sales Orders, Delivery Notes and Invoices through this module. Promotions and discounts will also be given under this module.
After the sales order is created sales invoice are generated against the sales orders. Payment term discounts are applied for the selected customers
Payments are received and allocated against the invoices. If the over or under amount is + or – 200 VND, write-off is done and the invoice is closed