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Why Open source?
Interoperability makes open source low maintenance for businesses with the ability to reach a larger number of consumers.

Software with Open source license
Lower acquisition, ownership and update costs in the market
Full-Web and multi platform
Secure access from any where through the cloud. Multiple devices support
World Class ERP
Enjoy a world class ERP, with implementation over 30 countries
Flexible, agile and customizable for business of all sizes
We are ready to tailor the software that your business needs
We offer wide range of services with best in class quality, consultancy and customer support
Odoo ERP
The only platform you will ever need to help run your business – Integrated apps, kept simple, and loved by millions of happy users.
Compiere ERP
With Compiere, you can leverage a discrete manufacturing ERP solution that fits your unique business requirements with little to no programming.
Lower acquisition, ownership and update costs in the market. The code is freely available to you avoiding costly vendor lock ins.
Openbravo empowers retailers to deliver truly unified commerce experiences faster through a highly flexible cloud-based platform.
iDempiere is an essential part of a business ecosystem. Your business will get the tools to boost performance, tailor the solution to your specific needs with a robust and mature solution.
Achieve a 30% improvement in data analytics operations, a 50% improvement in data quality and consistency, and a 20% reduction in the costs with DataOps. Just like us!
Lumada Data Ops Suite
Accelerate digital innovation with intelligent data management to democratize access to trusted data at low cost from edge to multicloud.
Apache HOP
The Hop Orchestration Platform, or Apache Hop, aims to facilitate all aspects of data and metadata orchestration.
CRM (Customer relationship management)
Connect to your customers in a whole new way. With a single view of every customer interaction you can sell, service and market like never before.
Sales cloud
Grow faster with the most complete CRM for sales organisations of any size and business model. Start small and scale or support your enterprise today.
Salesforce APEX
Apex is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on Salesforce servers in conjunction with calls to the API.
Push productivity higher, build apps faster, and work smarter with Lightning. Anyone can learn how on Trailhead. The power to make Salesforce your own is now in your hands with myLightning.
Ideal tool for entrepreneurs and companies to showcase their products and services, help their search engine ranking, and market themselves to prospective customers.
Many of the most popular websites, mobile apps, and web applications today are built with React JS. Eg: Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, Netflix, The New Yorker, the NY Times, and Airbnb.
Cross-platform application development instrument that combines the ease of development with native performance while maintaining visual consistency across platforms.