Delivery orders are created after the sales order and the wave picking are done. The goods are delivered to the customers and after confirmation, the delivery order is completed. Lot no is updated in the Delivery Order.
Generate DO from SO
After-Sales and picking List is completed, the delivery order is created as a batch from the Sales Order. Each delivery order is created per customer location. After Creating the DO, the Order processor can edit the DO if required. After the goods are given to the customer and confirmed, DO is processed.
Business Rules:
- Only for the Processed Sales Orders DO should be created.
- DO should be created per Customer Location.
- DO should be created in a drafted state. Users can edit the DO if required.
- DO should be processed only after the delivery is confirmed from the Customer.
Shipment (Customer)
The Delivery order is created as a batch from the Sales Order / Picking List per Customer location. IDM can edit the DO if needed. After the DO is created, IDM waits for the confirmation from the Customer and after the delivery is confirmed by the Customer, DO is processed. We can also Void a DO if required and create a new DO.
Business Rules :
- DO can be voided or closed. But cannot be reversed.
- We can edit the DO if required. Can manually update the Lot No, Delivery Date and Delivery status.
- The stock should get reduced only after the DO is processed.
- DO should be confirmed by the customer or the transporters before processing.
- While Processing the DO, Lot No. will be updated to Sales Order (This should be clarified).
- When the DO is kept in a confirmation state from the customer, the Stock level is kept in an unconfirmed Quantity state.
- During this time available stock reduces, but on-hand quantity does not change.
- On-Hand Stock is reduced only when the DO is processed.
- When the DO is voided, the Stock level also reverted.
DO Header
Confirmation Header
Confirm Line
Print DO
After the DO is created, the User can print the DO when needed. The print option is controlled through Role settings.
Business Rules:
- Printing should be controlled through Role Privileges.
Process DO
After the DO is created, it is processed to reduce the stock level. DO is processed only after the delivery confirmation. Till then it is kept in a draft state.
Business Rules:
- When the DO is processed, On-Hand stock gets reduced. Till then it is maintained in the Unconfirmed Quantity State.
Manage Shipment Packages
A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked.
Shipment Package
Generate Shipments
Shipments for open Orders are created based on the delivery rule of the Order and the relative order priority. If a Promise Date is selected only orders up to (including) the date is selected.
If several Orders of a business partner have the same location, the orders can be consolidated into one Shipment.
You can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 – not confirmed shipments=4 – would create a new shipment of 6 if available).