Run Your Retail Chain with Open Source Compiere ERP
Your business needs a customized, integrated ERP solution with sales, purchase, inventory, point of sale, CRM, e-commerce, analytics modules and well-integrated with the scanner, printers, payment, weigh machines and other APIs.

Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
Bank | Configure Bank and Bank Account for mapping the same to POS Terminal. This will be set as default Bank Account for POS transactions | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure Branch Info | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure Online/Offline server, db info | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure Selling Price Round-Off | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure default Locator Info for transactions | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure Additional CESS Tax | SS | M |
Branch | Configure need for GST Bills | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure is Product Approval | SS | M |
Branch | Configure is GKM required | SS | M |
Branch | Configure eCommerce Integration required | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure HQ report consolidation path | SS | M |
Branch | Configure HQ to Branch Product Master Import Path | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure PO Remarks, PO Phone, PO Email Message, PO expiry alert message, PO CC Mail Address | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure GRN Info Tab for "Void Invoice on Void GRN", "Validate Bill Date", Is Auto MRP Update, MRP Margin, Receive only PO Lines | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure GRN Info Tab for Stock Transfer Valid Days (valid days for a Stock Transfer Send after creating a new transfer) | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure GRN Info Tab for Barcode Title (this title will get printed during Barcode Sticker Print) | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure GRN Info tab with Back Office Qty Limit to restrict the qty that is scanned in all Back Offce screens | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure POS Phone, Receipt Footer Message and Online Receipt Footer Message for display in POS Bill | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure Price List, Version and Customer as standard for system to take standard price list, version and customer as default during POS Sales | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure "Customer Mandatory" to enable system to capture customer mandatory in POS | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure voucher valid days for setting the LRV Voucher expiry date from date of generation. This is old method (decentralized version of points) of LRV Voucher generation and | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure Bonus, Additional Bonus points and alert message for Loyalty Card to capture bonus and additional bonus points for loyal customers during POS sales. | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure "Allow Partial Redeem" to enable partial redemption of Loyalty Points. | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure "Enable Auto Redeem for Next Invoice" to use the current invoice points for next invoice redemption. | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure "CRM Integration" to make loyalty points and customer maintenance centralized for all Branches | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure "Credit Order Print Copies", No of Copies to print Credit Sales invoices as per configuration during POS | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure "Credit Sales Discount" to enable POS Bill Discount for Credit Sales Invoices | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure KF Cess Tax option to enable KF Cess capturing at Product Level and during POS Sales for products. | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure Terminal Wise Bill Sequence to enable POS Terminal level Bill Sequence. (Currently common sequence is applied for all POS Terminals) | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure different promotions to enable or disable those promotions for configuration in Promotion Master | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure "Turn on SMS" to make SMS integration work with Jaldi | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure Sender, Proxy Host, Username, Port, Password for connecting to Proxy server to send SMS | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure Promotional URL, Transaction URL (same URL currently) for sending the URL message to SMS Server | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure OTP for voucher print, OTP Length, OTP Validity Minutes, OTP Message, SMS Template ID (TRAI Authority SMS Template) for sending OTP message to customer during POS LRV Voucher redemption | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure DUNS with prefix for showing this prefix in "eVoucher Report" before the Document No of the Invoice. Existing field in Branch is currently used for this purpose instead of creating a new field. |
SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure "Branches" tab to configure each Branch opened for SS or LS along with its GSTin No. This is used during IBT send/receive and during SS API Synch. | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure "Color Config" tab to change the color of POS screen | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure "Web Service API Config" tab with Login URL, Search URL, Redeem URL, DB, Email, Password to integrate with Gift Card API during POS Payment. | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure "PayTM API Config" tab with Merchant GUID, Merchant ID, Merchant Key, PayTM URL, PayTM Trans Check URL for integrating Jaldi with PayTM during POS Payment. (Currently this API integration is not being used and its not required) | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure FTP Configuration tab with info to upload reports into FTP server during EOD Process | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure CRM API Config tab with CRM URL, Username, Password to integrate Jaldi with CRM Loyalty Points server for posting customer, invoice and redemption records | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure eVoucher API Config tab to integrate with TXPress eVoucher API app for payment during POS | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure SS API Config tab to integrate with Siva Sakthi Accounting software using Json for posting GRN, Return to Vendor, IBT, Sales transactions from Jaldi | SS/LS | M |
Branch | Configure HSN Digits to show the length of HSN code in reports and prints | SS/LS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure Local Products that are not available or configured in HQ | SS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure Discontinued option so that products are not available for Purchase | SS/LS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure "Prevent MRP Calc" so that product MRP is not calculated when GRN/Product master is updated | SS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure "Is Web Store" so that Product latest details are sent to eCommerce site for eCommerce sales | SS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure "MRP Auto Update" so that product's MRP get adjusted during GRN based on the Selling Price + Margin configured in Branch Master | SS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure "Deactivate" so that Products are not available for any tranasction including sales | SS/LS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure POS Quantity Limit, so that products are not allowed to scanned in a single order above the qty limit | SS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure Barcode tab with vendor Barcode info which is used for product search in POS and Back Office transactions | SS/LS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure Vendor from whom product is purchase in "Purchasing Tab" along with Current Vendor | SS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure "Send SMS to Vendor for Sales" to send SMS during Product sales in POS for the products to be supplied immediately (Non-Veg Products) | SS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure "Replenish" tab with minimum level and reorder level for all products initially so that the automated MBQ, replenish process uses this information during Auto PO Creation | SS | M |
Branch Product Master | Configure UOM Conversion tab with conversion values for Case to Piece values for system to do auto-conversion during PO, GRN and other Back Office transactions | SS/LS | M |
Brand | Configure Brand Master and map it to Products | SS/LS | M |
Calendar Year & Period | Financial Year opening month wise | SS/LS | M |
Cash Book | Configure Cashbook and map the same to POS Terminals. This is mandatory for all POS transactions. | SS/LS | M |
Classification | Configure Classification and map it to Products | SS/LS | M |
Company | Configure Company Info | SS/LS | M |
Company | Configure Email Host, Email Authentication Info | SS/LS | M |
Company | Configure Weighing Scale Product Export path | SS | M |
Coupon | Configure Coupon with values for printing during Coupon Promotion mapping | SS/LS | M |
Coupon Promotion | Configure coupon promotion to print coupons when the Bill Total value is greater than the coupon promotion range | SS/LS | M |
Change Customer Mobile No | Change Mobile Number Process | SS/LS | P |
Customer Master | Capture Customer Master with unique mobile no | SS/LS | M |
Customer Master | Capture Credit Limit, Payment Term for credit customers (if available). If for credit customers, credit limit is reached system will not allow to create new Credit Order. | SS/LS | M |
Customer Master | Capture Need GST Bill and customer type as Institutional to print GST Receipt for GST Bill during POS sales. | SS/LS | M |
Customer Master | Capture Other state IGST for the products to have IGST tax dynamically mapped during POS Sales. | SS/LS | M |
Customer Master | Capture Card No, Card Type and Join Date for search of customer using Card No during POS transactions and for Loyalty Points addition | SS/LS | M |
Dynamic Tax Change | Configure Dynamic Tax info for products to dynamically have its tax mapped during Purchase and Sales Transaction | LS | M |
Floor | Configure Floor Names and map it to Department | LS | M |
HQ product Master | Configure MRP, other price info and create batches for batched products | SS | M |
HQ product Master | Margin based Selling Price calculation | SS/LS | M |
HQ product Master | Markup/Markdown Management | SS/LS | M |
HQ product Master | Wholesale Price Management | SS | M |
HQ product Master | Batch update of Selling Prices of products | SS | M |
HQ product Master | Configure GST Taxes | SS/LS | M |
HQ product Master | Manage/Apply Gate Keeping Margins | SS/LS | M |
HQ product Master | Multi-pricelist management | SS/LS | M |
HQ product Master | Provision for capturing Tax Collected at Source in Goods Receipt Note | SS | M |
HSN Code Master | Configure HSN Master info and map it to Products for reporting purposes | SS/LS | M |
Item Type | Configure Item Type Master and map it to Product master | SS/LS | M |
Mail User Configuration | Configure the Process tab with the reports that need to be generated during EOD or on Demand or as FTP Report. | SS/LS | M |
Mail User Configuration | Configure the Mail users tab with the email IDs that need to be generated and sent as email during EOD. | SS/LS | M |
Manufacturer | Configure Manufacturer Master to map in Product Master | SS | M |
Margin | Margin Master to decide on Selling Price from MRP based on Slab | SS | M |
Member Type | Configure member type info for CRM Loyalty points | SS/LS | M |
Merchandise | Configure Merchandise Master to map in Product Master | SS | M |
Pay Modes | Configure multiple pay modes for capturing POS Payment | SS/LS | M |
Pay Modes | Configure Is Gift Integration for Gift Paymode to enable integration process during Payment in POS | SS/LS | M |
Pay Modes | Configure Is Decimal Required for Pay Mode to all decimal values during payment capture, settlement and denomination | SS/LS | M |
Pay Modes | Configure the Sequence for Pay Mode so that POS displays the pay mode in the sequence configured. | SS/LS | M |
Pay Modes | Configure Is Displayed for Pay Mode so that POS either displays or not displays the pay mode | SS/LS | M |
Pay Modes | Configure "Type" as Denomination and configure the Denomination values for capturing the Pay Modes denomination during Payment, Denomination and Settlement Process | SS/LS | M |
Payment Term | Payment Term creation/update and map to Customer/Vendor | SS/LS | M |
POS Terminal | Configure POS Terminals for each Cashier and provide denomination, settlement option | SS/LS | M |
POS Terminal | Configure Warehouse of POS Terminal from where stock should get reduced | SS/LS | M |
POS Terminal | Configure the Weighing Scale Integration option | SS | M |
POS Terminal | Configure the default Customer for this Terminal | SS/LS | M |
POS Terminal | Configure default Bank Account for this Terminal so that during POS Payment, this Bank Account is used during Payment creation | SS/LS | M |
POS Terminal | Configure Date Check Enable option so that for each POS Transaction the system date is verified with Server date and mismatch validated to avoid settlement issues | SS/LS | M |
POS Terminal | Configure Reprint password to allow users to use a different password for reprinting Invoices | LS | M |
POS Terminal | Configure Terminal Mode to allow users to either do Billing or Payment or Both | LS | M |
POS Terminal | Configure POS Terminal Department so that Department and Floor is shown in the POS Bill Print | LS | M |
Product Color | Configure Product Color and map them to Product Attribute | LS | M |
Product Department | Capture Product Department, Category, Sub-Category | SS/LS | M |
Product Department | Option to restrict new Category creation | SS | M |
Product Department | Option to capture Expiry Date during GRN | SS | M |
Product Department | Option to enable/disable Auto Replenish | SS | M |
Product Department | Option to enable/disable display of Calculate Your Savings | SS/LS | M |
Product Department | Option to enable/disable calculation of Bonus Points | SS/LS | M |
Product Department | Option to configure reduction qty specific to department during eCommerce Master data synch | SS | M |
Product Department/Category | Option to configure if specific Category requires IMEI capture during GRN and other transactions | LS | M |
Product Department/Category/Sub-Category | Configure unique sub-category for the specific category/department and map it to Product | SS/LS | M |
Product Design | Configure Design No for each Product during GRN and get it printed in Barcode Sticker | SS/LS | M |
Product Size | Configure Product Size and map it to Product Attribute for reporting purposes | LS | M |
Purchase Return Reason | Master data configuration for capturing Purchase Return Reason | SS/LS | M |
Role | Option to edit GKM option in Branch, Product screen | SS | M |
Role | Option to display draft records also for specific roles | SS/LS | M |
Role | Option to select Warehouse during login or not and setting default warehouse | SS/LS | M |
Role | Role vs Org Access | SS/LS | M |
Role | Role Vs User Assignment | SS/LS | M |
Role | Role Vs Window, Process, Report, Form Access | SS/LS | M |
Sales Classification | Sales Classification master used during Auto PO Replenish | SS/LS | M |
Sales Rep | Configure Sales Rep for capturing in Lifestyle POS | LS | M |
SMS Message | Option to send SMS messages from screen | SS/LS | M |
SMS Template | Configure SMS Template for sending SMS | SS/LS | M |
Sub-Document Type | Configure Sub-document type during physical inventory document for understanding whether the adjustment transaction is addition or deduction. | SS/LS | M |
Tax | Tax Rate create/update | SS/LS | M |
Tax Category | Tax Category create/update | SS/LS | M |
Transfer Reason | Configure Transfer Reason for capturing reason during stock transfer between Godown to Selling Floor | SS/LS | M |
Unit of Measure | Configure Unit of Measure and map it to products for capturing UOM in all transactions | SS/LS | M |
User | User creation | SS/LS | M |
User | User Roles mapping | SS/LS | M |
User | User Org Access mapping | SS/LS | M |
User | User DB Access Live Vs Summary | SS/LS | M |
Vendor | Capture Vendor Master Info | SS/LS | M |
Vendor | Capture Other State IGST for Vendor so that during Purchase of Products IGST Tax is dynamically mapped instead of GST Tax | SS/LS | M |
Vendor | Capture Vendor Email, Secondary Email for sending PO Email | SS/LS | M |
Warehouse & Locators | Warehouse & Locator creation/update | SS/LS | M |
Warehouse & Locators | Warehouse Address configuration for Prints | SS/LS | M |
Warehouse & Locators | Option to select warehouse for eCommerce Synch | SS/LS | M |
Warehouse & Locators | Option to select warehouse as Virtual Warehouse | SS/LS | M |
Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
EOD (Complete Process) | Batch generation of Accounts Payable Invoices | SS/LS | P |
EOD (Generate Invoices) | Batch generation of Accounts Payable Invoices from GRN | SS/LS | P |
Invoice (Vendor) | Generate Invoices for multiple GRNs | SS/LS | T |
Invoice (Vendor) | Accounts Payable Credit Memo Management | SS/LS | T |
Payment | View Vendor Payment information | SS/LS | T |
Payment Selection (Manual) | Consolidate payments by vendors/invoices | SS/LS | F |
Purchase Order | Copy Suggested Qty to Ordered Qty for each line | SS/LS | T |
Purchase Order | Create/Manage purchase Orders | SS/LS | T |
Purchase Order | De-Select option to unselect already selected products for PO Line creation | SS | T |
Purchase Order | Option to capture Case Qty, Piece Qty and conversion of Qty | SS | T |
Purchase Order | PO Print with PO Document Barcode | SS/LS | T |
Purchase Order | Purchase Order document email to Vendor contact | SS/LS | T |
Purchase Order | Purchase Order generate based on Ordering Methods | SS/LS | T |
Purchase Order | Reset PO Document No every Financial Year | SS/LS | T |
Purchase Order | Reset Search Products screen | SS/LS | F |
Purchase Order | Select all products for PO Line creation | SS/LS | F |
Purchase Order | Show last 1 month sales info of each product week-wise | SS/LS | F |
Purchase Order | Suggested Qty for PO based on Ordering Methods Last GRN Qty Wise | SS/LS | F |
Purchase Order | Suggested Qty for PO based on Ordering Method Min/Max Reorder Level | SS/LS | F |
Purchase Order | Suggested Qty for PO based on Ordering Method Reorder by No of Days | SS/LS | F |
Purchase Order | Suggested Qty for PO based on Ordering Method Sold Qty from Last GRN Date | SS/LS | F |
Purchase Order | Suggested Qty for PO based on Ordering Method Sold Qty in given Date Range | SS/LS | F |
Replenish Process | Generate Purchase order automatically | SS | P |
MBQ Update Process | Run this process to update the Minimum Base Quantity in Product Replenishment for Auto PO creation | SS | P |
Replenish PO | View the auto generated Purchase order list | SS | P |
Delete Draft PO | Option to delete draft PO | ss | P |
Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
Barcode | Print barcode single products | SS/LS | F |
Barcode/SET Print | Configure and print multiple barcodes | SS/LS | M |
Barcode/SET Print | HHT based Barcode scanning/printing | SS/LS | M |
Barcode/SET Print | Shelf-Edge Sticker/Product Barcode Print | SS/LS | M |
Deactivate Product | Activate, De-Activate, Discontinue for multiple products in single time by filtering the product | SS/LS | F |
Generate Inventory from Stock Take | Generate records from stock take documents according to attribute | SS/LS | P |
GRN Entry | Capture Add/Ded Amt, Reason for rounding off GRN document | SS/LS | T |
GRN Entry | Capture Free Item product with 0 Basic Cost with only MRP | SS/LS | T |
GRN Entry | Capture Freight Charges (before/after tax option) and distribute to all lines | SS/LS | T |
GRN Entry | Print Barcode stickers from GRN | SS/LS | T |
GRN Entry | Capture GRN based on Purchase Order with all lines copied from PO | SS/LS | T |
GRN Entry | Capture GRN based on Purchase Order with HHT Scanning option | SS/LS | T |
GRN Entry | Capture IMEI and Create IMEI for mobile products | LS | T |
GRN Entry | Capture Overheads/Freight Charges for accurate Cost | SS/LS | T |
GRN Entry | Create GRN based on another voided GRN | SS/LS | T |
GRN Entry | Generate Vendor Return from GRN directly | SS/LS | T |
GRN Entry | Provision for capturing Tax Collected at Source in Goods Receipt Note | SS | T |
GRN Entry | Purchase Order based GRN (Goods Receipt Note) | SS/LS | T |
GRN Entry | Show last MR Date for the selected Product | SS/LS | T |
GRN Scan | HHT based goods Receipt | SS/LS | T |
GRN Scan | HHT(Hand Held Terminal) based Barcode scanning/printing | SS/LS | T |
GRN Scan | HHT(Hand Held Terminal) based Stock Take | SS/LS | T |
GRN Scan | HHT(Hand Held Terminal) based Vendor Return | SS/LS | T |
GRN Scan | Hand Held Terminal App for receiving stock | SS/LS | T |
Import Stock Take | Update stock take documents through excel file using HHT 2.0 | SS/LS | P |
Inter Branch Transfer (Send) HHT | Send stocks from one branch to another branch through HHT | T | |
Inter Branch Transfer (Send/Receive) | Send stocks from one branch to another branch | SS/LS | T |
Inter Branch Transfer (Send/Receive) | Exclude tax amount if send and receive have same GSTinNo branch | SS/LS | T |
Inter Branch Transfer (Send/Receive) | Can be track if the send document received or not in receive branch | SS/LS | T |
Inter Branch Transfer (Send/Receive) | Receive and load stocks and IMEIs if exist in single button click | SS/LS | T |
Inter Branch Transfer (Send/Receive) | Update or create batches automatically according to the receive branch | SS/LS | T |
Inventory Change | Update Brand, Category, sub category, Item type, GKM, MRP for multiple products in single time by filtering the product | SS | F |
Inventory Movement | Updae Stock for multiple products in single time by filtering the product for Particular Dates only | F | |
Inventory Out/In Approval | Capture physical inventory transactions to send stock out on repair or for demo purposes to MD | LS | T |
Inventory Out/In Approval | Capture Physical Inventory transactions to receive the stock sent on repair or for demo purposes with reference from the sending document. | LS | T |
Physical Inventory | Cycle Counting and Inventory Adjustment | SS/LS | T |
Physical Inventory | Stock Update document created automatiocally after run the process “Generate Inventory from Stock Take” | SS/LS | T |
Physical Inventory | Stock Adjustment document type used to addition or deduction on stocks according to the sub document type | SS/LS | T |
Physical Inventory | Batch Adjustment document type used to change one batch to another batch on stocks | SS/LS | T |
Physical Inventory | HHT based Physical Inventory | SS/LS | T |
Physical Inventory | Batch Update Processes | SS/LS | T |
Physical Inventory | Produce packaged products | SS/LS | T |
Physical Inventory | Cycle Counting and Product/Batch Stock Adjustment | SS/LS | T |
Pick List | Inventory Movement Package | SS/LS | T |
Pick List | Pick List Generation | SS/LS | T |
Pick List | Create a set picklist with set of products which can be used in Purchase Order and Stock Transfer | SS/LS | T |
Pick List | Create Pick List for generating stock transfers | SS/LS | T |
Return To Vendor | HHT based Vendor Return | SS/LS | T |
Return To Vendor | Return To Vendor with GRN | SS/LS | T |
Return To Vendor | Return To Vendor withOut GRN | SS/LS | T |
Stock Receive HHT | Load receive stocks by single button click using HHT | SS/LS | T |
Stock Take | HHT based Stock Take | SS/LS | T |
Stock Take | Integrate with HHT device and can be take the stocks attribute wise like department, brand, category. | SS/LS | T |
Stock Transfer (Receive) | Load receive stocks by single button click | SS/LS | T |
Stock Transfer (Send) | Send stocks between warehouses like Godown, Selling Floor, Return warehouse | SS/LS | T |
Stock Transfer (Send) | Products canbe load from GRNby clicking buttons according to the need | SS/LS | T |
Stock Transfer (Send) | Products canbe load from Void document clicking buttons according to the need | T | |
Stock Transfer (Send) | Products canbe load fromclicking buttons according to the need | T | |
Stock Transfer HHT | Send stocks between warehouses like Godown, Selling Floor, Return warehouse using HHT | SS/LS | T |
Sub Document Type | Configure the sub document type with addition or deduction the stocks while creating “Stock Adjustment” in Physical Inventory | SS/LS | M |
Transfer Reason | Configure the reason for transfer in Stock Transfer | SS/LS | M |
Return to Vendor | Manage Purchase Return | SS/LS | T |
Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
Production | Produce packaged products | SS | T |
Product Configuration | Configure Package products by enabling package checkbox (BOM Products) | SS | M |
UOM(Unit Of Measure) & Conversion Management | Configure Unit of Measure conversion for Case to Piece products and use it during PO, GRN transactions | SS/LS | M |
Product Packaging or BOM Configuration | Configure the Bill of Materials that are combined to form a new product | SS | M |
Convert one product to another | Create Production transaction to convert KG product into 1 KG piece product | SS | T |
Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
POS Promotion | Free Item Promotion | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Price Promotion | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Bill Wise Promotion By attribute (Free Item) | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Bill Wise Promotion By attribute (Price) | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Bill Wise Promotion By attribute (Coupon) | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Bill Wise Promotion By Slab (Free Item) | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Bill Wise Promotion By Slab (Price) | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Bill Wise Promotion By Slab (Coupon) | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Bill Wise Promotion By Slab (Multi Free Item) | SS/LS | M |
Promotion Setup | Promotion Setup (Free Item) | SS/LS | M |
Promotion Setup | Promotion Setup (Price Promotion) | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Configure Cross Promotion | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Configure Advanced Promotion | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Configure Promotion Channel as Both, Online, Offline so that promotion gets applied to customers who belong to the specific channel | SS/LS | M |
Promotion Setup | Configure promotions using Promotion setup screen for multiple products at a time | SS/LS | M |
POS Promotion | Configure Coupons and Coupon promotions based on Slab and Attribute and redeem coupons | SS/LS | M |
Automatic Promotion Close | Promotion gets automatically closed during EOD based on end date or when the target qty is reached (whichever is first) | SS/LS | Process |
Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
POS Order | Cashier Info Display | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Last Bill Amount Display | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Last Bill Display | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Last Scanned Item Display | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Multiple Order Types (POS, Credit, Quotation) | LS | T |
POS Order | Offline Mode Sales | SS | T |
POS Order | Offline POS for continuous sales capture | SS | T |
POS Order | Order Number Display | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Paymode change | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Pole Display | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Price change | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Qty change | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Search and view processed orders | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Total Items Display | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Total Qty Display | SS/LS | T |
POS Order | Weighing Scale Integration | SS | T |
POS Order | Change Item Price | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Cancel | Bill Cancel - F3 | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Credit Sales | Credit Bills - F8 | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Customer Create | Customer Creation - Ctrl+N | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Customer Info Popup | Customer Info - F2 | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Customer Search | Customer Info Display | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Customer Select | Customer Selection (Alt+C) | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Denomination | Calculator Utility for Denomination (Alt+L) | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Denomination | Capture Denominations - F7 | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Discount | Bill Discount (Alt+D) | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Door Delivery Sales | Capture Door Delivery Sales | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Exchange | Bill Exchange with Head Cashier Pwd - F5 | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Exhange & Refund | Capture original bill info for Refund/Exchange orders | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Hold/Retrive | Bill Hold/Retrieve – F6 | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Item Delete | Bulk Item Delete - Insert | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Item Delete | Item Delete - F11 | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Online & Door Delivery Sales | Capture Order for Door Delivery/Online Orders | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Online Sales | Capture eCommerce Sales | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Online Sales | Capture Online Sales | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Payment | Change Tender - Alt + T | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Payment | Split Payments and Change of Tenders | LS | T |
POS Order Print | Formatted Bill | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Product Search | Bill Search – F9 | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Product Search | Bill Wise Item View - Alt + B | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Product Search | Item Search - F12 | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Promotion | Advanced Promotion | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Promotion | Bill-Wise Promotion | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Promotion | Free Item Promotion | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Promotion | Group Promotion | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Promotion | Price Promotion | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Redeemption | Redeemption based on Coupons, Gift Cards | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Redeemption | Voucher Redemption | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Refund | Bill Refund with Head Cashier Pwd - PageUp | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Reprint | Bill Reprint - F1 | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Search | Bill Search for reference | SS/LS | T |
POS Order SMS | SMS Integration | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Tax Calculation | GST based sales tax configuration and billing | SS/LS | T |
POS Order View | View only current day orders (F9) | SS/LS | T |
POS Pay Mode Master | Advanced Pay Modes | SS/LS | M |
POS Settlement | Daily Counter Closing | SS/LS | P |
POS Settlement | Point of Sale Daily Settlements | SS/LS | P |
POS Settlement | POS Daily Settlements made easy | SS/LS | P |
POS Order Exchange | Exchange with Bill | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Exchange | Exchange without Bill | LS | T |
POS Order Redeemption | Coupon Redeemption | SS/LS | T |
POS Order Invoice | Change Customer Invoice | SS/LS | P |
POS Order | Bill Only | LS | T |
POS Order Payment | Pay Only | LS | T |
Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
Change Customer Mobile No | Change Mobile Number Process | SS/LS | P |
POS Order Customer Point Fetch | Get Points from CRM Server of selected Customer | SS/LS | T |
Points Redemption | Redeemption based on Points during Payment | SS/LS | T |
CRM Customer Synch | Synch the selected customer if already not available in CRM cloud server | SS/LS | P |
Add Invoices to CRM | Synch the pending invoices to CRM server for the selected dates | SS/LS | P |
Revoke Points Redemption | Revoke points redemption based on OTP, date of transaction and customer | SS/LS | P |
Data Migration
Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
Master Data Migration | Migrate Department, Category, Sub-Category, Brand, Item Type, Product Design, Product Color, Product Size, Customers, Vendors, Products via excel | SS/LS | P |
Transaction Data Migration | Migrate past invoices based on needs | SS/LS | P |
Pre-built templates for Migration | Configure the data from legacy application into pre-built migration templates | SS/LS | F |
Custom Migration* | Migrate data from legacy system using custom migration tool | SS/LS | P |
Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
Centralized master data maintenance | Configure Products, Department, Category, Sub-Category, Brand, Item Type, Manufacturer, Merchandise in HQ Server and synchronize it to all branches | SS | Master |
Centralized master data maintenance | Configure price of products based on local rates for centralized products | SS | Master |
Centralized master data maintenance | Centralized product code creation | SS | Master |
Store-wise consolidated reports | Consolidate reports from branches and send it automatically to management users via email | SS | Report |
Data Synchronization | Synchronize HQ Product and its related masters to Branches | SS | Process |
Daily Reports via Automated Email | Consolidate and send HQ Reports via email to management users | SS | Process |
Store specific features control | Configure store specific loyal points, promotions, rates, gkm and other features | SS | Master |
Branch-Wise stock transfer | Transfer stock from one Branch to another | SS | Transaction |
Manage Branch Products | Configure price of products based on local rates for centralized products Configure store specific products in stores itself |
SS | Master |
Export Product Master from HQ | Run the process to export newly configured HQ Products to all Branches | SS | Process |
Import Product Master into Branches | Run the process to import newly configured HQ Products to specific Branch | SS | Process |
Import Product Barcode into Branches | Run the process to import newly configured HQ Barcodes to specific Branch | SS | Process |
Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
Role-based user login | Allow users to login based on specific role and provide all access based on Role | SS/LS | M |
Role-based menu, process control | Allow users to access specific menus, processes, screens based on Roles | SS/LS | M |
Secure Bill Cancel & Bill discount | Allow users to cancel Bill, provide Bill discount based on specific password in POS | SS/LS | T |
Encrypted Password Management | Configure password with encryption for users | SS/LS | M |
Role-based restricted record access | Allow users to access specific records in a screen based on Role | SS/LS | M |
Audit Viewer and Logs | Capture changes to master data as logs specific to Roles to capture change management | SS/LS | M |
Access to specific warehouses | Allow users to access only specific warehouses based on specific roles | SS/LS | M |
Option to view Draft Records | Allow users to access records not yet processed created by other users | SS/LS | M |
Option to edit GKM field | Allow users to update GKM value based on specific role access | SS | M |
Option to export reports | Allow users to export reports into CSV, PDF, excel formats based on role access | SS/LS | M |
Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
HQ/Branch Product Master | Configure HQ/Branch products as webstore to synch product information | SS | |
Webstore DB Info | Configure Webstore DB Info for enabling the synch between Jaldi and eCommerce site with latest product/stock information | SS | |
Product Info Update | Run Product Info Update process to synch products configured as "Is WebStore" to ecommerce site with latest Batch SP and Stock Information. '- Based on latest created Batch '- Based on highest stocked Batch |
SS | |
Barcode scanner Integration | Read Barcodes scanned during POS, Back Office search and find the product based on Barcode configured in Product Master | SS/LS | |
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Integration | CRM Loyalty Voucher Redemption (Alt+R) | SS/LS | |
Edenred TXPress Integration - eVoucher | Edenred TXPress Integration (Alt+E) during POS Payment | SS/LS | |
Gift Card Integration | Gift Card Integration (Alt+G) during POS Payment | SS/LS | |
Paymode Wise Sales Info Integration | Paymode Wise Sales Info Integration based on date range | SS/LS | |
Daily Sales Tax Sync | Daily Sales Tax report integration to Siva Sakthi Software | SS/LS | |
GRN Entry | GRN transaction integration to Siva Sakthi Software | SS/LS | |
Inter Branch Transfer | Inter Branch Transfer integration to Siva Sakthi Software for same GST between different branches, different GST between different branches but within same state, different GST between different branches with different state. | SS/LS | |
Return to Vendor | Return to Vendor transaction integration to Siva Sakthi Software | SS/LS | |
Hand-Held Terminal Integration | Integrate with HHT for inventory processing | SS/LS | |
Weighing Scale Device Integration with POS | Weighing Scale Device Integration with POS (Alt+W) | SS | |
SMS integration for instant alerts | Configure SMS URL with username/password so that SMS is sent during customer sales, new customer addition, points redemption OTP | SS/LS |
Service Bundle | Service Request - Macro Feature | Service Request - Micro Feature | Store Type | MTRFP |
Accounting | Bill No Count Report | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Bill No Count Report (New) | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Bill No Count Report (OLD) | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Commodity Code Wise Sales Report | SS | R | |
Accounting | Credit Card Sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Credit Sales | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | E-Invoice Report for GST | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | GST Total Customer Sales Summary Report | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Hold Bill Report | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | HSN Code Wise Gst Bill Report | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | HSN Code wise Sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | HSN Code wise sales tax Report | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | HSN Code wise Salestax Report with GST | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Itemwise Purchase Report | SS | R | |
Accounting | Product Batch Filter Report | SS | R | |
Accounting | Sales Debit Info Report | LS | R | |
Accounting | Sales Info Report | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Sales Tax Report GST Item Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Sales Tax Report with GST | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Sales Tax Report with GST - Bill Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Sales Tax Report with GST Counter Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Sales Tax Report with GST Item Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Sales Tax Report with GST (Old) | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Sales VAT Report | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Sales Vat Report (New) | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Sales Vat Report Counter Wise | SS | R | |
Accounting | Sales VAT Report-Bill wise | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | sales Vat Report-Counter wise | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Sales VAT Report-Item wise | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | SalesRep Wise Sales Detail Report | SS | R | |
Accounting | Stock Transfer VS Transaction count variance Report | SS | R | |
Accounting | Store-wise consolidated reports | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Summary of Sales Report | SS | R | |
Accounting | Summary of Sales Report (New) | SS/LS | R | |
Accounting | Terminal wise Sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Audit Report | Physical Inv Vs Transaction count variance Report | SS | R | |
Cashier Report | Bill wise Sales Detail Report | SS/LS | R | |
Cashier Report | Cancelled Bill Report Itemwise | SS/LS | R | |
Cashier Report | Cashier Wise Sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Cashier Report | Counterwise Item Sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
HQ Reports | Department Wise Sales Report HQ | SS | R | |
HQ Reports | Hourly Sales Summary Chart HQ | SS | R | |
HQ Reports | Summary of Sales Report HQ | SS | R | |
HQ Reports | Sales Comparison Report HQ | SS | R | |
HQ Reports | Sales Performance Report HQ | SS | R | |
HQ Reports | Stock Adjustment Report HQ | SS | R | |
HQ Reports | Purchase Summary Report HQ | SS | R | |
HQ Reports | Purchase Detail Report wih GST HQ | SS | R | |
HQ Reports | Stock EAN Report HQ | SS | R | |
Inventory Reports | Dept Wise Stock Adjustment Report HQ | SS | R | |
Cashier Report | POS Settlement - Daily Settlements | SS/LS | R | |
Cashier Report | Purchase Summarty Report | SS/LS | R | |
CRM Report | CRM Synchronization Failure Report | SS/LS | R | |
CRM Report | PO Maching Report | SS/LS | R | |
Customer Report | Cr. Cust Outstanding Report (New) | SS/LS | R | |
Customer Report | Customer Info Report -By Join Date | SS/LS | R | |
Customer Report | Customer Sales Period Comparison Report | SS/LS | R | |
Customer Report | Customer Summary Report | SS/LS | R | |
Customer Report | Customer Summary Report(Date) | SS/LS | R | |
Customer Report | Pos Product Exchange Report | SS/LS | R | |
Customer Report | POS Settlement - Daily Counter Closing | SS/LS | R | |
ecommerce Report | eCommerce Product Info Report | SS/LS | R | |
ecommerce Report | ecommerce Product Stock Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Fill Rate by Vendor | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Approval Pending Report | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Department wise Profit & Loss Report | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | In Transit Report | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Inter Branch Transfer Report | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Scanned/Missed Stock Take Locator Detail | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Adjustment Report | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Aging Report | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Aging Report- IMEI WISE | LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Attribute Report | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Ean Report(As of Today) | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Qty Balance Sheet Department Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Transfer Completed Report | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Transfer Pending Report | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Value Balance Sheet Dept Wise in LC | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Value Balance Sheet Dept Wise in SP | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Value Report (New) | SS | R | |
Inventory Management | Stock Variance Report | SS | R | |
Inventory Management | Storage Detail Report | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Transaction Attribute Report | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Transaction Detail | SS/LS | R | |
Inventory Management | Attribute Wise Consolidated Transaction Report | SS/LS | R | |
Promotion Report | View Production Reports | SS | R | |
Promotion Report | Coupon Issued Report | SS/LS | R | |
Promotion Report | Coupon Redeemed Report | SS/LS | R | |
Promotion Report | Coupon Summary Report | SS/LS | R | |
Promotion Report | Daily Sales | SS/LS | R | |
Promotion Report | Daily Sales Consolidated | SS/LS | R | |
Promotion Report | Promotion Detail | SS/LS | R | |
Promotion Report | Promotion Sales | SS/LS | R | |
Promotion Report | Promotion Sales Report (Bill Wise) | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Replenishment Report | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Batch Re-Active/De-Active List | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Date wise Purchasetax Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Department Wise Purchase Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Dept wise Sales Tax Report with GST (New) | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | GRN List Without AP Invoices | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | HSN Code Wise Purchase Tax Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Negative Stock Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | PO Fill Rate Report | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | PO FillRate Report By Product | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Po Maching Report (New) | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | PO Matching Report (OLD) | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Po Matching Report with GST | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | PO Status Report | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | POFillRate By PO | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | POFillRate By Vendor | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Product Detail | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Product Expiry Detail Report | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Products Transaction Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | ProductWise Selling Price Change Report | LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Promotion Deactive List | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Attribute Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Detail Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Detail Report wih GST | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Order Matching Report with GST | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Order Status Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Return Detail Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Return Detail Report with GST | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Return Summary Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Return Summary Report with GST | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Summary Report With GST | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Tax Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase Tax Report with GST | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Purchase VAT Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Replenish Report | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Sales Invoice VS Transaction count variance Report | LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Sales Tax Report with GST - Counter Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Sales Tax Report with GST - Item Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | User Wise PO Details Report | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Vendor Analysis Report | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Vendor Based Product Report | SS/LS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Vendor Ledger Report | SS | R | |
Purchase Reports | Vendor Wise Purchase Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Active Lost Customer | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Bulk Sale Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Business Partner Detail | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Cancelled Bill Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Cashier Wise Loyalty Info Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Counter wise Sales Tax Summary Report with GST | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Cr. Customer Outstanding Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Credit Sales Receipt Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Customer Aging Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Customer Bill Summary - Monthly Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Customer Info Report - By Invoice Date | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Customer Ledger Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Customer Summary Loyalty Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Customer Wise Sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Customer Wise Sales Report- Monthly | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Daily Sales Terminal Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Day Wise Dept Sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Day Wise LRV Voucher Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Department Wise Sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Dept.wise Sales Tax Report with GST | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Dept.wise Sales Tax Vat Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Fill Rate By Purchase Order | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Fill Rate Report by Product | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Final Total Settlement Report | SS | R | |
Sales Reports | Floor Wise Sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | GRN VS Transaction Count variance Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Hourly Sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | HSNCode Wise Purchase Tax Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | HSNCode Wise Sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | HSNCode Wise Sales Tax Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | IMEI Wise Stock Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | InTransit Report | SS | R | |
Sales Reports | ItemWise sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | ItemWise sales Report - (Date Wise) | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | ItemWise sales Report - (VAT & Date) Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | ItemWise sales Report - (Vat Wise) | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | ItemWise sales Report (Tax & Date) With GST | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Loyalty Points Summary Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Loyalty Transaction details By Customer | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Loyalty Transaction Details By Product | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Manual Discount Report- Bill Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Monthly Sales R Report | LS | R | |
Sales Reports | New Product Report | SS | R | |
Sales Reports | Newly Registered Customer Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | OutStanding Redeem Points Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Paymode wise Bill Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Paymode Wise sales Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | POS Product Refund Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Purchase Order Matching Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Sales against Paymode Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Sales Attribure Report (D&M) | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Sales Attribute Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Sales Penetration Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Sales Performance Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Sales Promotion Reports | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Sales R Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Sales Tax Report | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Sales Tax Report with GST (KFC) | SS | R | |
Sales Reports | Sales VAT Report - Item Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Sales VAT Report Bill Wise | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Settlement Print | SS | R | |
Sales Reports | Stock Value Report | SS | R | |
Sales Reports | Summary of Sales Report (Daily) | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Token Print | LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Total Sales Report (New) | SS/LS | R | |
Sales Reports | Unpaid Bills (Today) | SS/LS | R |