What are all the Editions available in Odoo?

Do you need Odoo ERP support?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are all the Editions available in Odoo?

Odoo provides community edition as well as enterprise edition. Odoo community edition has some advantages and disadvantages when compared to enterprise edition.

Is there any cloud deployment cost applicable?

In case Odoo server needs to be deployed in Amazon Web cloud, The Cloud subscription cost will be applicable in addition to the License and Implementation cost.

What are all the hosting types available in Odoo enterprise edition?

There are three types of hosting applicable for Odoo Enterprise edition. They are, The Odoo Cloud Hosting, Odoo on Premise and Odoo Dedicated cloud.

How many users can access Odoo at a time?

It depends on server performance. An increase in RAM size will increase the no of user’s usage.

How to set up an outgoing mail server in Odoo?

Goto settings->general settings->Outgoing Email Server Link->create new and type the following details( Sample data given below)

Description:-(give any name)
SMTP Server:- smtp.gmail.com
SMTP Port:-465
Connection Security :- SSL/TLS
username:-(your valid gmail username)
Password:-(password of your gmail address)

save->test connection and ensure connection with Email server is successful.

How to set up an incoming mail server in Odoo?

Go to settings->general settings->Incoming Email Server Link->create new and type the following details (Sample data given below)

Name:-(give any name)
Server Type:- pop server
Server Name:- pop.gmail.com
SSL/TLS:- ticked
username:-(your valid gmail username)
Password:-(password of your corresponding gmail address)

Is it possible to change the Date formats in Odoo?

Yes, Odoo allows changing the default format to preferred format
Setting -> Translation -> Languages → Select a language (for eg. : English) → Set your Date Format.

Will Odoo allow multiple currencies?

Yes, Odoo supports multiple currencies. For that you should enable the option Multi-currency under Invoicing -> Settings ->Currencies Enable Multi-currencies check box

The default currency has to be configured in Settings to maintain account postings with default currency configured

How to configure default taxes in odoo?

Yes, we can configure the default taxes for both purchases and Sales. The following will be the steps to configure default taxes.
Invoicing -> Settings -> Taxes
Configure the default Sales Tax and Purchase Tax

How to enable Lead menu in Odoo CRM?

To enable Lead Menu, follow the below steps.

CRM -> Configuration -> Settings   Enable Leads check box