How do I know which Salesforce solution will suite my business?

Do you need Salesforce  support?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which Salesforce solution will suite my business?

Coming from both the customer side and implementation side of using Salesforce, we have unique perspectives and a wide range of industry experience to work with you at what type of a solution is the best fit.

How my company is benefited if I choose the Salesforce to resolve my business problems?

Improved Informational Organization, Enhanced CRM Communication, CRM Improves Your Customer, Service Automation Everyday Tasks, Greater efficiency for multiple teams, Improved Reporting and Data Analytics.

What is the process that you use to develop our Salesforce business solutions?

We use Ten10 process framework for delivering all the Salesforce business solutions.

Why would I need Cloud Services?

Salesforce is an 100% dedicated for our success of business. This will accomplish your specific goals quickly.  There won’t be any downtime to our business transformation.

What would be the best Salesforce license type for our company?

License type and the cost structure are dependents on integration, migration, customization and expansion needs. TenthPlanet will help to determine these things then sends out a unique offer based on the solution we provide.

Is there any discount in license pricing to use a Salesforce?

Yes, there are special discount in license pricing for NGO’s, SME, etc.

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How can a Sales Cloud helps to grow my business?

Receiving more leads, Winning more deals, Increase Productivity and making insight Decisions.

How secure is my data in Sales Cloud?

Sales Cloud is built on a flexible and robust security architecture where it is been trusted by various industries around the world.

What are the different ways of deployment in Salesforce?

We can deploy code in Salesforce using :
Change Sets, Eclipse with IDE, Migration Tool – ANT/Java based and Salesforce Package.

How long has your team been implementing Salesforce CRM?

In TenthPlanet, Each member of our team has a minimum of eight years working with Salesforce. The bulk of our team members have over Nine years of experience.