Demo :
To simply get a quick idea of Odoo, demo instances are available. They have shared instances that only live for a few hours, and can be used to browse around and try things out with no commitment.
SaaS :
Odoo’s SaaS provides private instances and starts out free. It’s Fully managed and migrated by Odoo S.A.,
It can be used to discover and test Odoo and do non-code customizations (i.e. incompatible with custom modules or the Odoo Apps Store) without having to install it locally. Like demo instances, SaaS instances require no local installation, a web browser is sufficient.
Packaged installers
Odoo provides packaged installers for Windows, deb-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu,) and RPM-based distributions (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, ) for both the Community and Enterprise versions. These packages automatically set up all dependencies (for the Community version), but maybe difficult to keep up-to-date.
Official Community packages with all relevant dependency requirements are available on our nightly server. Both Community and Enterprise packages can be downloaded from our Download page (you must be logged in as a paying customer or partner to download the Enterprise packages).
Source Install
The source “installation” really is about not installing Odoo and running it directly from the source instead.
This can be more convenient for module developers as the Odoo source is more easily accessible than using the packaged installation.
It also makes starting and stopping Odoo more flexible and explicit than the services set up by the packaged installations, and allows overriding settings using command-line parameters without needing to edit a configuration file. Finally, it provides greater control over the system’s set up and allows more easily keeping (and running) multiple versions of Odoo side-by-side.
If you usually use docker for development or deployment, an official docker base image is available.
Below procedure to be followed to install Odoo 12.0 with Ubuntu 16.04
Step 1: Update the server
Please use these commands to make sure your system is up-to-date
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
Step 2: Secure Server
It is common for all versions and many of you may be aware of this, but I’m still including this.
Run this command to make your server/system remotely accessible
sudo apt-get install openssh-server fail2ban
Step 3: Create a System User
Create a system user to run Odoo service. The source code of Odoo will reside in the home directory of the user, if you follow these steps
sudo adduser --system --home=/opt/odoo --group odoo
Step 4: Install and Configure PostgreSQL database server
Install PostgreSQL: sudo apt-get install postgresql sudo su - postgres
Create a PostgreSQL user for managing Odoo databases:
createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt odoo12
Exit from Postgres user to continue the installation:
Step 5: Install dependencies for Odoo
Install pip 3: sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
After the successful installation of pip3, install dependencies using pip3:
sudo pip3 install Babel chardet decorator docutils ebaysdk feedparser gevent greenlet html2text Jinja2 libsass lxml Mako MarkupSafe mock num2words ofxparse passlib Pillow psutil psycopg2 pydot pyldap pyparsing PyPDF2 pyserial python-dateutil pytz pyusb PyYAML qrcode reportlab requests suds-jurko vatnumber vobject Werkzeug XlsxWriter xlwt xlrd
There are some web dependencies for Odoo like Node.js and less
Install these web dependencies:
sudo apt-get install -y npm sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node sudo npm install -g less less-plugin-clean-css sudo apt-get install -y node-less
wkhtmltopdf is required to generate PDF reports from Odoo. Install on your server.
Get the most compatible version of wkhtmltopdf is 0.12.1 by running below command
sudo wget
Or from here,
sudo wget
These two commands will trigger the downloading of the package
If these both ains websites or Clone from Github repo
Here we are cloning from Git.
So, first, we have to install Git
sudo apt-get install git
Now, we should change our user as the system user we created for Odoo. Otherwise, we will end up with access right related hurdles.
sudo su - odoo -s /bin/bash
Now we are ready to clone Odoo 12 (this is a community only)
git clone --depth 1 --branch 12.0 --single-branch
Exit from Odoo user to continue the installation:
Step 7 : Configure Odoo
At first, we are creating a log file location for Odoo. Odoo will create and maintain its log files there.
sudo mkdir /var/log/odoo
Give the full access to this directory to the Odoo user
sudo chown odoo:root /var/log/odoo
After creating a log directory, we are going to create a configuration file for Odoo.
There is a configuration file that comes with the Odoo we just downloaded.
We are copying that file to a more appropriate location
sudo cp /opt/odoo/debian/odoo.conf /etc/odoo.conf
We have to make some changes in the configuration file, to edit the file, we are using a text editor called nano
sudo nano /etc/odoo.conf
Here is the example of the configuration file:
[options] ; This is the password that allows database operations: ; admin_passwd = admin db_host = False db_port = False db_user = odoo db_password = False addons_path = /opt/odoo/addons logfile = /var/log/odoo/odoo.log
After the configuration file is ready, we have to give the ownership of the file to the Odoo user
sudo chown odoo: /etc/odoo.conf sudo chmod 640 /etc/odoo.conf
Step 8: Create a service to run Odoo
We have to create a system unit for Odoo so that it can start behaving like a service.
Create a new file odoo.service at /etc/systemd/system/ just like we created the file
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/odoo.service
You can use this content for your file
[Unit] Description=Odoo Documentation= [Service] # Ubuntu/Debian convention: Type=simple User=odoo12 ExecStart=/opt/odoo/odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo.conf [Install]
Since this is a service, we are giving full rights to this file to the root user.
sudo chmod 755 /etc/systemd/system/odoo.service sudo chown root: /etc/systemd/system/odoo.service
Step 9: Test Odoo
sudo systemctl start odoo.service
You can check the log file of Odoo
sudo tail -f /var/log/odoo/odoo.log
Step 10: Automating Starting of Odoo
This will enable the Odoo service to start automatically at boot time
sudo systemctl enable odoo.service
Step 11: Access Odoo
Open a new browser window and enter HTTP://<your_domain_or_IP_address>:8069 in the address bar
If everything is working properly, you will redirect to Odoo’s database creation page.
Below procedure to be followed to install Odoo 12.0 with Ubuntu 16.04