Reducing Incidents with quick response management with the help of Pentaho+

The solution provides the overall support process for the devices, machineries installed at various locations, helping drive efficiency with data-driven approach to analyze incident data, reducing the manual retrospective analysis and increasing productivity by making day to day operations more effective and efficient.
- High number of incidents and events are being generated from the various devices, and was difficult to analyze, which involves huge manual effort. Customer was expecting a command center and reporting capability that provides high-quality dashboards based on real-time tracking of the devices for operational efficiency.
- Integrate real-time data from IoT sensors and workforce system to identify alerts sent from the sensor to check if the thresholds are within the range. Unable to monitor device status and take necessary actions for the devices.
- Track all incidents occurring across different division, view all backlog, pending incidents, response time for resolving the incidents. Deploy service staff on site in case of emergency and are able to carry out their tasks and resolve the issues ASAP without any disruption in the operations.
- Data is collected from various sources from different metro locations across the city like device sensors and social media in real time, cleansed and converted into standard format required for the reporting and analytics purpose being stored in data warehouse. Data is shown real time for monitoring and tracking the status of the devices and machines installed at various metro stations.
- Geographical view of all location is displayed, in case of any malfunction or device not running the location will be highlighted. This helps the user or the supervisor to immediately take action accordingly. The user can further drill down the particular location to find out the exact device or machine creating the issue.
- To analyze service performance trends to detect the performance of each assignee for service resolution. Helps to improvise and train the resources to resolve the problems quickly and efficiently to speed service restoration for any incidents occurred. The performance of the incidents resolution can also be measured by the response time taken to resolve the incidents.
- Provides an overview of the incidents summary and can be filtered by division, by period and by customers feedback. Ability to connect with social websites to understand the feedback and trends posted by customer to provide better service, safety and satisfaction to customers.
- Increasing productivity by making day to day operations more effective and efficient and communicating the health of the support services on a periodic basis. Monitors events trend to identify serious issues before they turn out to outages.
- Critical Incidents can be quickly assigned and notified immediately to the relevant support desk engineer. Measure the team’s performance by analyzing the response and resolution to incidents, this visibility will help support team to proactively take right measures to tighten effectiveness before it causes an incident response problem.