Odoo ERP Implementation to Rice Manufacturing and Trading Industry

One of the South India’s Rice Manufacturing and trading Industry involves in manufacturing of various and trading of own and other brands of Rice, Maize and cattle feeds. The Company has a modern rice mill setup with modernized boiling, drying and milling facilities. It has a sophisticated color sorting machine to provide high quality & graded rice.
It is also equipped with full-fledged storage facility to store paddy and rice. The installed capacity can handle around 500 tons per
The company was looking for the right ERP to automate their core business operations such as CRM, Sales, Purchase, Manufacturing, Inventory, Accounting, and Retailing (POS) and decided to choose Open Source ERP Odoo as a product. TenthPlanet was the Implementation partner for Rice Manufacturing & Trading ERP using Open source ERP Odoo
Customized the Odoo modules according to the business needs
- Leverage the feature and rich functionalities of the Odoo OpenERP
- Customize CRM, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Manufacturing and Accounting to speed up their business process growth
- Customize Finance & Accounting Module as per Indian Accounting Standard
- Automate and enable both Domestic and Export Sales process for multi Operating units
- Implement Multi level approvals and alerts on transactions to enable their business process streamlined
- Automate Purchase process to purchase materials from right vendor with right price
- Automate Agent commissions based on the purchase of Raw materials
- Robust accounting engine for accurate account postings & reporting
Migrating Data from their legacy system into Odoo